Welcoming my hero home
Well now that you heard about what I do here on daily basis
and, you got to see some breathtaking smiles I want to tell you about my surprise visit home.
So as you
have read in my earlier blogs my boyfriend works for the United States Air
Force. He was deployed back in May before my college graduation. He was
scheduled to come home in November so I planned to fly home to welcome him
home. The dates kept changing of when he was truly going to land back in the
U.S, so I really had no idea if it was going to work. We had decided though to
keep my flight and that we would figure something out. Now with all this being
said my parents knew I was coming home, and my brothers did as well until I
played a little joke on them. I had called my one brother a few days before and
told him that I was so sorry Jesse wasn’t coming home, and I wouldn’t be coming
home at all. My brothers reaction was pretty pissed off and upset at me, but he
didn’t know I was so called “Fibbing.” I left Gros-Morne on the morning of
November 10th and was on my journey back to the good old U.S of A. I
had so many mixed emotions inside of me. I was nervous to surprise my brothers
and friends, and I had no idea if all my flights would go smoothly. The ride to
the airport went pretty smooth though. When I had arrived at
the airport in PAP I was almost in a shock, it didn’t feel real that I was
going home. I went
through security and checked my bags in. Then I just waited.
I meant some pretty
interesting people in the airport thought. I meant one family who finally had
their adoption made final. They had been coming to Haiti for a period of two
years to adopt their son. He was so adorable and you could see that they were
so thrilled to be bringing him back the states. I then meant a father who had
two sons with him. He again begin to tell me his story and then asked me what I
was doing in Haiti. He was in the process of adopting two children from Haiti,
but they still had a few months to wait to make it all finalized. It was
amazing seeing these families filled with joy and happiness. It’s a wonderful
gift they are giving to the children of Haiti and to themselves. We then begin
to board the plan and again I got nervous because I had no idea who I was going
to be seated next too, but I have to say I was pretty lucky. I got seated next
to an older Haitian gentleman, who was a priest up north in Haiti. He was so
sweet. He only speak creole, so I helped him fill out the paper work to get
into the states. He thanked me so much. He was truly one of the kindest men. It’s amazing the people you meet for only a few hours, and
they impact they can have in that short amount of time. The flight from Haiti in to Miami was
only about two hours so I was there before I knew it. When the plane had
reached Miami it didn’t feel like real life honestly. I didn’t really think I
was back the U.S. I walked off the plane, and I was in shock. It was cold for
one thing, and there were just so many “White
People.” I know that may sound weird or rude to say, but honestly it’s how
I felt. In Haiti we don’t see swarms of
Americans coming in to town day in and day out. We get a few visiting groups
here and there, which is nice because it allows for us to have conversation,
but other than that we adopt to Haitian culture. The first thing I did when I
landed was I wanted to get some candy. Yeap, you read that right I wanted to
get some CANDY!!! I was craving sour patch kids, so
I walked in a little news store and looked around. It honestly felt like I was
in dream. Everything was so expensive and there was way too much variety to
pick from. I know you might be thinking right now “Well hello Beth you should
know all of this you haven’t been gone for that long “, but honestly it’s
amazing how fast I get use to the Haitian culture. I mean I can walk down the
street and buy a pack of cookies for one dollar U.S, and when I say a pack of
cookies I mean a bag filled with 15 packs of cookies inside of it. I can buy
small mint candies for 2 pennies U.S, and then I come back here and all candy
is 3-5 dollars. It was very overwhelming, and I felt so alone. I of course
bought the candy because I needed a little something in my stomach, and then I
just sat down an waited for my next flight. I was so anxious at this point
because no one in D.C knew that I was coming! I had no idea if my surprise was
going to work or just completely fall apart. We had started loading my flight
to D.C around 3:45 and I would arrive hopefully around 5:45. I needed to be at
CUA by 6 because if not my surprise was going to fail miserably. I knew though
that it was out of my hands I just had to wait and see what was going to
happen. I was on the next flight all settled in, and then we had a surprise of
a lifetime. The flight attendant got on the speaker and announced that we had
sisters on flight carrying the Pope John Paul the second relic. They allowed
for any person on the flight to go up and pay their respects. I was taken by
total surprise I mean
Hello Pope John Paul the second ?!?!!! I of course waited my turn and went up to pay my respects.
The relic was in a gold plated booked inside of a wooden case. It was
absolutely breath taking. They were taking the relic and traveling around the
D.C and Maryland areas. It was a pretty amazing experience, and I have to say I
am so lucky to have been able to take part in it. The rest of my flight was
pretty easy going. I landed in D.C much later then I had expected and I had to
hurry my little butt up. I kept calling Bobby, who works with my brother at
CUA, and telling him to please keep my brother there as long as a possible. I
think everyone in the airport who saw me thought I was crazy. Finally my
luggage came and I bulleted for the metro station, but once I reached it I
totally forget how to get to CUA. Yeap, THAT’S THE
TRUTH! I figured it out
though and was on my way, but of course the lovely metro was running slower
than a turtle that day. I was honestly losing it! I couldn’t believe that my
surprise wasn’t going to work. I kept calling Bobby and begging him to do
anything to keep my brother there. He kept telling me to hurry my butt up! I
arrived at the school way past 6, and hoped in Bobby’s car. He told me my brother was beyond pissed at
him and the so called “Contractor” that was coming to see the fields. I ran
in to the Duf, and there was my whole softball team. They were in shock, but I
didn’t have time to stop and explain myself. I ran up the stairs and Bobby went
into my brother’s office. Bobby told Pat it was time and that the guy was
waiting out by the door. As my brother was walking out I walked in, and he was
shocked! The first thing out of his mouth was “I hate you.” I knew he didn’t
really mean that, but he was totally taken off guard. It worked out wonderful.
He couldn’t believe that Bobby kept that secret from him. Everyone in the
athletic department was shocked. Their jaws just dropped. I have to say it was
a pretty good surprise and it worked out perfectly. After I was done surprising
him I got to go see my old team, which was pretty great. It felt so good to see
them and catch up even if it was for 10 minutes. My brother and I then headed
out to surprise Rachel, his girlfriend. I was so excited to keep surprising
everyone. We got to his apartment and I ran inside to hide in their room. Once
Rachel got back from walking the dog, Pat asked her to go and get his classes
off of the table. When she walked in the room I jumped out of the closet, and
she was beyond shocked. She screamed and started crying. It was honestly
priceless, and I wish I could have video typed it. It felt so good to be back
with my family, and I was still so excited to surprise everyone else.

Surprising my two big brothers was such a success!
The first night back
though was hard. It felt so weird to actually be back in the U.S, and it still
hadn’t really hit me that I was back. I went to take a shower, and I forgot that I could use hot water. I mean it felt amazing to have it, but so weird at the
same time. I had slept ok the first night, but I was excited to get up, and
visit my friends at college. I went into work with my brother and hung out, and
then I decided to head in to the city to buy a new outfit for Jesse’s
homecoming. WELL THAT WAS A HUGE MISTAKE. I took the metro and headed in to Chinatown,
and I thought for sure I would found something. I walked into forever 21 and I
felt like I was going to have a mental breakdown to be honest. I was so
overwhelmed by everything. The new styles, the winter clothes, the shoes, I
mean just everything was so different. I didn’t last even 15 minutes and I
walked out. I gave up and went to buy some ice-cream. I knew that ice-cream would make everything all better, but honestly
it didn’t. I just felt so out of place like I didn’t belong anymore. I felt
like I was the outsider. I can’t really describe this feeling, but I guess the best way is
saying I felt like a foreigner in my own country. I highlight this because some people understand what this
feels like, and know how it feels to be alone. After the ice-cream I headed
back to campus just to hang out and catch up with people. That was what the
next three days was really like for me. Checking out the new things on campus,
and seeing my friends. Now
you might think well that had to be blast, and don’t get me wrong it was so
nice, but also very different. So many things had changed. We are all on different life paths, and
growing up. I know that may sound silly to say, but it’s weird to actually see
these changes first hand. Obviously we grow up and continue to move on with our
lives in different paths, but it’s crazy to see how much each of us has grown
in different ways. Life is truly an extraordinary journey. Now I don’t want you
to think I wasn’t happy seeing my friends, and seeing all the changes, because
I was. It was so great to see everyone happy and doing well. I honestly had an
amazing time seeing everyone, and I miss my friends a lot.
Although, I was getting so anxious,
nervous, and excited for what was going to be the best day of my life. I still
hadn’t found the perfect outfit to wear, and I was determined too. My brother
took me shopping and I spent probably three hours looking because I was still
overwhelmed by everything, but I finally found what I wanted to wear. I picked
out a dress with brand new Tom shoes. I couldn’t believe the day was so close.
I barely slept that night because I had so many emotions running through me. The
next morning I woke up pretty early and gathered my things up to head to work
with my brother. I wanted to look perfect for my hero. I sat in the locker room for a few hours and curled my
hair. After I was done I wondered around and was checking my phone every five
minutes. I kept checking my phone because I was waiting to hear from Jesse. He
texted me when he landed in Germany, and I still couldn’t believe he was
actually coming home. He gave me his carrier number and the number of the gate
that he would come in it. My brother and I checked almost every hour to make
sure he was still coming in on time, and to our surprise it had changed once.
It was coming in later then it was suppose, but that was ok. The whole day went
by so fast and it was finally time for us to head to the airport. We left
around 4:00 because of traffic, and thank God we left early. Traffic was pretty
heavy. We went to the mall first to get something to eat and to walk around. I
was a wreck. I was just so nervous! I really kept thinking what if he
doesn’t love me anymore? What if he doesn’t think I’m pretty anymore? I know you may all think that sounds
ridiculous, but it’s what I really thought. The time was getting closer and
closer for us to head to the airport, and I was a mess. My brother thought it
was hilarious! We arrived at the gate and we knew it was the right one because
everyone was dressed in military clothing, and holding their welcome home
signs. Now, I wore the new outfit I had bought, but it was freezing cold so I
wore sweatpants an a sweatshirt over them. When we were standing around I
didn’t know whether to take them off or keep them on, but most people who know
me can guess what I decided. I kept them on. You could tell everyone was
getting anxious for the plane to start un loading, and we had been waiting
around for about two hours. The people kept saying they were there, but it was
taking time for them to get through customs. They called all family, fiancés,
boyfriends, girlfriends (etc.) to come up around the doors to wait for their
loved ones. My heart was beating so fast and my hands were so sweaty. I
couldn’t wait any longer to see my hero! People started coming out one by one,
and then in groups, but of course I didn’t see him. I just kept waiting and
waiting. It was so amazing though to see people reunited with their loved ones.
They had tears of joy in their eyes, and the biggest smiles on their faces.
Being able to see these experiences were pretty amazing, but I was so ready to
jump in the arms of my hero. Finally the moment came!!! I saw the look on
my brother’s face and I knew he was walking out of that gate. I ran past the
door and I saw that handsome smile. I waited one more second, and then I dropped my
poster, and jumped right into those arms! I felt like the earth stopped that very moment, and
everything stood still. It was the most amazing moment of my life! I just kept
holding on to him and didn’t want to let go, but of course I did. It felt so
good to look in to his eyes, and to be able to say I love you. We had our
picture taken then walked down through long lines of people standing on the
sides. The moment felt unreal, like it was a dream. I couldn’t stop smiling! We
had to wait maybe ten minutes for him to be let go, and then we headed out to
go to base.

The jump into my hero's arms.
The hug
The hair flip
The kiss
My Hero
(The photos are credited to Kathy Jones Photography.)
Spending time with family before I flew out.

The next few days flew by us. We
were so busy seeing people and playing tourist because Jesse’s mom came to
visit D.C. It was a lot of fun to be able to enjoy D.C for once. The best thing
though was spending time with my hero. It didn’t matter if I was cold or tired
because I had him by my side. The time flew by us so quick, but I did get to
stay home a few days longer than expected. We headed to PA to be with my family
for thanksgiving which was wonderful. It felt so good to be with my parents and
Jesse. We got to run around PA, and just have time for ourselves. It truly was
perfect! I am so grateful and blessed that I got to come home to visit
everyone, especially to welcome my hero home!!! I honestly had no idea how I
was going to walk away from everyone. Now that I was home I didn’t want to
leave, but I knew I had to. It was pretty hard saying see you later to my
parents. My mom’s eyes filled with tears as she said good bye, and my dad just
kept reminding her that everything would be ok. I know my parents are proud of
me and support me in these dreams, but it’s so hard to see them upset. It’s
hard walking away from the ones you love even if you know you’re going to see
them again. Jesse and I headed back to D.C, and had a few days to ourselves. We
relaxed and just spent time with each other, which was amazing, but that time
flew by in an blink of an eye. I couldn’t believe it was time for me to head
back to my second home. The night before I flew out we hung out with my
brother, and his girlfriend. It was lovely. We went to dinner, took pictures,
and enjoyed each other’s company for the last time. Then it was time to say
another see you later, and I hate saying that to my bro. It was so hard because
I got so use to spending time with him and having it be like old times
again. Although, I was proud of myself
because I held my tears back. After saying see you later it was time to spend
the last few hours with my handsome hero. It honestly didn’t feel real that I
was leaving. I didn’t really sleet all I just cuddled up next time and closed
my eyes. We had to wake up pretty early to get to the airport on time, and to
be honest neither of us said much that morning. I knew if I opened my mouth to
talk I would just start to cry my eyes out. When we reached the airport we just
sat there and I started to cry. I didn’t know what to do honestly. Should I get back on the
plane or stay here with my hero? All I could do was cry and cry. My heart
was shattered, of course I didn’t want to leave him. I want to spend every minute
of every day with him, but I knew I needed to go back. Don’t let me fool you
though, I wanted run back off that plane through security back in to his arms.
It truly was the hardest thing in the world to walk away from him. To know that
I wasn’t going to be with him every day for a while again. It never gets easier
saying see you later to the one you love more than anything, and it will never
be easy. I am truly the luckiest girl in the world to call him mine. Welcoming
home my hero was the best feeling in the world and I truly can’t wait to be
back with him.
Now that I gave you insight in to my
corny love life you can all go puke now….. hah no please don’t but I hope this
allows for you to share in my emotions. I truly am beyond blessed to be living
the life I do, but I am also the luckiest girl in the world to have Jesse by my
Remember never
to take your loved ones for granted cherish them every minute of every day.
Be on the lookout
for my next blog to hear about Christmas in Haiti!