Sunday, September 14, 2014


Bonjour Everyone! I have finally arrived in Haiti! It’s so crazy for me to say that this is my third time back, but this time it’s for a lot longer.

We waited in a long line to hand in some papers and to get our passports stamped. After doing all of that we went to gather up all of our luggage. Once we had our luggage in hand we were ready to step outside to find our ride. Now for me it was amazing to see all the new changes to the airport and how much more organized everything was, because well before it was a little chaotic. Once we walked outside I had spotted one of the only Americans standing out there looking for us. We went to the car and loaded up our luggage and we were off! The journey from PAP to Gros- Morne is about 4 hours or so. It felt so good to finally be back in Haiti. For most of the car ride Brittany pointed out important landmarks and towns we were entering before we got to our final destination. On the way to Gros-Morne we stop in a town to get a fantastic Haitian meal! It’s cooked right alongside the rode and served in Styrofoam containers. The meal is goat meat, pickles, and plantains.  It may not sound to mouthwatering, but trust me it’s amazing! Around 5 we had arrived in Gros-Morne, so it was a long day of traveling. Once we arrived at the house we carried in our luggage and had some supper. Once super was finished it was finally time to settle into our new rooms for the next year. Katie and I would be sharing a room, and Frankie would have her own room to herself. I was so exhausted after the day of traveling I crashed that night. The next morning I woke up bright and early because I wanted to go down to the school to see my favorite little man.  We get up and got around and headed down to the school. When we got to the school all the children had remembered me and started running towards me! It was such an amazing feeling, but I didn’t see my little guy. I asked the kids “K Kote LeLe?”, which means where is LeLe. All the kids started telling me he walked to my house to see me, so we had completely missed each other. I was so bummed because I really wanted to see him. We left the school and decided to walk up to the market and on the way we stopped at one of our Haitians friend’s house, Juno. It was so nice to see Juno again and catch up on everything. He had walked us into the market and showed us around. After we were down I knew I wanted to go back down to the school because I really couldn’t wait another day without seeing my little man, so I went back down. When we reached the school I saw this little boy with his back to me and he turned around an had the biggest smile on his face. It was my little guy LeLe. He came running towards me full force and jumped right into my arms! It was honestly such a great feeling to him again! I spent some time with him and tried to talk a much creole as I could, but honestly I just knew he was so happy to see me again. It filled my heart with so much joy. After that I headed home and got settled up for the night. The typical routine at the house for night is we have dinner at 6:30 and then prayer following right after.

(Me and my main little guy LeLe)

Day two of being back in Haiti.. We woke up early and had an orientation of the house. We went over rules and got to learn more about the sisters. After orientation was over we decided we wanted to open up our Haitian bank accounts. Now just keep in mind we have only had a month of creole lessons. We took mottos to the bank and that was an experience in itself because this was the first time Katie ever rode on one, but we made it safe. Once at the bank you have to wait in a long line, and then when it’s your turn they call you in. Once we entered the ban and they saw us they took us back in room. I don’t think they really understood what we had wanted, but the one woman spoke a little English. I’m pretty sure she thought it was funny to see us trying to put all of creole together to tell her what we wanted, but in the end it all worked out. We had set up our Haitian bank accounts on only one month of creole lessons.  I have to say I felt pretty good after this. After we left he bank we went again to run some errands for Sister pat and drop some things off at the school. The bank was really the highlight of the day, well at least we thought so.  Later on that night after dinner Frankie had decided to go back in to the chapel to get some things to practice creole with, but she found much more than that. She found a huge furry, creepy, nasty, little friend!!! So of course we all went to look for it, but as we began walking down the stair case another one appeared! Now , I mean really I can handle one, but two in one night as way too much! Thank God we have Brittany here because she came to the rescue and saved us ! haha she smashed those the creatures so good that there was no chance they were coming back to life! It was truly one eventful day in Haiti!
The day finally came were we would continue our creole lessons here in Haiti. We meant our teacher who was absolutely wonderful. We would be having these lessons with her every morning from 9-11. The whole time we are with her we speak creole!! I’m not going to lie it’s pretty difficult, but in the long run it is helping us learn the language. Typically after class I always go down to the school to see my little ones.  So it was no surprise then after the first day of class that I headed back down to the school. Now to get to the school you have to take a few different roads, but one road in particular gets very muddy when it rains. When we reached this road to no surprise it was horrible, but we had no other way to go. We decided to deal with it and march on. When we reached the end of the road my feet were just covered in mud, so I took my sandals off an walked barefoot. When we got to the school immediately all the children ran up and started washing off my feet, and I was shocked by this. It was such an overwhelming feeling because they just did it. I kept telling them”No Mesi, No Mesi,” but they just kept helping me. It was truly unbelievable and later on that night after talking about it with Sister Jackie, she pointed out that they are truly living the word of God. Now just for one minute think about what I just said. I had children come up to me and help me wash off my feet ?! How many people do you see helping each other like that in the U.S?  After I thought about what sister Jackie said, it is true the Haitian people truly live out God’s word each and every day! It is amazing and eye opening to experience this.  Later on that night Laura had finally returned with Elisa! I was so happy to finally see her again!  As you can see my days in Haiti has a lot of excitement!  
The first few days and first week in Haiti went by so fast! Laura really showed us around and explained to us how things would be running in the house for the year. Now, with Laura leaving she asked me to help make sure her program would still continue when she was gone, and of course I said yes! She took us to the program and we got to see what the people were doing and how it was ran. It was unbelievable to see experience this. Laura started up a literacy program in Claudine Village. The program consists of parents and grandparents who cannot read or write. It was so great to see the progress that Laura had helped make in these people’s lives. The following day I had to go to a meeting with Laura, Elisa, and the two women who teach in her program. Laura wanted to make them aware that she was leaving and that they had to follow the contract! During the meeting we found out that one monitor would not be returning, but the other one would. After the meeting Laura told the monitor who was staying how happy she was with her and that she would be getting a raise in her money! If you could have only seen this women’s face light! She was so happy and thrilled! She told Laura that she really made a difference in her life! It was such an awesome experience to see how grateful this woman was and how much Laura had truly made a difference in her life. This is truly what life is all about it!
(Laura and I with some little guys from the village!) 

Well now that I have probably made you fall asleep with these stories I’m going to have to say Bonwit! I only really filled you in one the first week in Haiti, but don’t worry I have more amazing stories to share with you. Although, you will have to wait because I am going to be leaving tomorrow for my immersion up in the mountains of Haiti! 

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